Dietary Dramas and Drivels

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Go further...faster

So I just read an article about the obesity epidemic in England. By the year 2050 they estimate 60% of men, 50% of women and 25% of children will be obese. Something must be done about it.

Same in this country, perhaps only worse. It is a function of the fact that our bodies were made for hunting-gathering type lives...Constantly moving and on the go, having the capability to store calories in the form of fat for when food was not available.

Well, basically we live a society where we no longer need to store calories as fat since we hardly move or expend any energy...

I am an oddity in L.A. I not only only go to the gym daily, but I walk to work every day. I live close enough that I don't need a car to get around and walk to and from work every day, rain or shine, cold or hot. I also don't gorge myself with unhealthy food. I may have treats from time to time, but otherwise it's healthy eating.

So, what are we to do? So far, policy has looked at educating the public, encouraging them to make healthier choices, putting decisions in their hands.

Believe me, I believe in autonomy and self-discipline and the need to be competent to make health choices for yourself. But...I also think the situation has become so dire that not only are obese people paying for it, but we healthy people are paying for it too in healthcare dollars.

Just because we don't have socialized medicine, we're paying way more than we would if we did...We pay high insurance rates, taxes for medicare, and much much more.

So, I think it's time the government step in with regulations. People cannot do it alone. There needs to be some sort of agency that sets strict rules about what products food companies can make.

You know what? I'm sure my ideas are not going to be popular, I'm sure that they'll never happen because they're far too radical, but I am of the belief that people need this. I'm tired of seeing sick people in the hospital who if various foods had never been invented, designed to become addictive and alter our minds would be healthy, living long productive lives...instead, they keep eating junk because they're mental capacity has declined so far it's all they know to eat. Perhaps I'm not giving people enough credit, they're choosing these foods, but sometimes I don't know if they are.

Soometimes I think people eat what they eat because it's what is available, it's what they can afford, it's what the government is subsidizing.

Well, you know what? It's time the government stop subsidizing corn, and milk, and soy beans, and subsidize organic farms, whole fruits and vegetables and enforce regulations that companies can no long produce crap foods.

It's not popular, but it must be done, or else people will continue to die slow, painful, uncomfortable, and expensive deaths.


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