Dietary Dramas and Drivels

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Duck...Duck...Duck...Goose!...and more Duck.

Today's topic will be Duck. I realized that while I left you in suspense...I also needed to be kind and give up some more little juicy tidbits, or else no one would come back...but, you're back, so, we're all good.

Ok. Duck.

As you will recall in mouth I stated I do not eat cute animals. Duck applies.

However, when in Rome, you do as the Romans do...when in Beijing/Peking, you do as the Pekings do. Hence...Peking duck.

Peking duck. A specialty of Beijing, capital city of China. Requires the capture and beheading of an innocent little adorable ducking by the name of Donald, or Daffy, depending on which gender you find more appealing.

Once little Donald or Daffy has been captured and beheaded, the duck is then defeathered, and left naked in a cold, salty is then left to air-dry in the hot-humid air of Beijing for 2 days, yes, 48 hours.

Can we spell E. coli much? However, E. coli does not inhabit poor little dead ducky because dead ducky is so salty that no bacteria could grow on it. Ducky is then roasted over hot wood chips, brought to the table and dissected in front of us.

Needless to say, I did not want to eat dead ducky, but because you're only in China once, I broke my steadfast rule of not eating cute duckys and I ate some of Donald. I'll tell you this much. If you don't take off the skin and 1/2 inch layer of's basically like eating chicken and then sucking on a big piece of rubbery lard.

Have I enticed you yet?

Speaking of would you like to go to a restaurant, they bring out this dish, looks really delicious, you think to yourself, look...something healthy! Eggs, bean sprouts, rice. Mmmm...then you're tour guide comes up behind you, says, as you (by you, I mean me) are placing heaping tablespoons of this delicate concoction on your plate..."Look at the little fish!"

"Little fish?!"

"Little fish. They're a specialty!"

I take a cautious, yet closer look...these beansprouts are indeed little teensy weensy fishies with black eyes staring up at you! How disgusting!

I then proceed to take my plate, and dump all the eggy, fishy, goopy (hey look at that, "e, f, g" yes I'm cool.) stuff and put it back and swallow my vomit.

Ok, so I take it back...maybe not such a funny story...but, welcome to my world!!

Question of the moment: "Hey Dana...what about carbs? Yes/No/Maybe/Screw it?"

Dana's Discourse: Yes to whole-grains, No to whites, Maybe to fakes, and Screw it to Atkins.

Til next time, the restaurant is closed.


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