Dietary Dramas and Drivels

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Exercise exercise everywhere!

An article I worked on with one of my co-workers:

Long-term weight loss requires both exercise and eating less:
If you’re interested in losing weight or keeping the weight off, simply dieting is not enough. You must also exercise daily and keep active to successfully lose weight. Exercising also offers many benefits in addition to weight loss, including heart health.

Move more:
Increase your activity levels by doing both continuous exercise and “lifestyle” exercise. Continuous exercise, like walking, jogging, biking or yoga, is vital to keep you fit. “Lifestyle” exercise, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the store instead of driving, or doing yard work, will keep you moving and active and will also help burn calories throughout the day.

Keep a diary:
When trying to lose weight, it’s recommended you keep a food diary to increase your awareness of what, how much, and when you are eating. Consider also keeping an exercise diary to track the frequency and duration of exercise, as well as help identify problems in your exercise plan. Keeping both diaries will keep you honest and motivated.

Schedule exercise into your day:
If you don’t schedule your exercise then it won’t happen! Make exercise a priority and a daily habit. Don’t let exercise be the first thing to go when you get busy. If your exercise plan doesn’t work for you, simply change it. Have a back up exercise plan in case of bad weather or schedule changes so you don’t have to cancel. Remember, it’s better to exercise a little, than to give up entirely.

Work out smart:
Get help from an exercise video or if possible a trainer at your gym when first starting out. This will allow you to get the most efficient and effective calorie burn for all your hard efforts. Exercising correctly will help you see results sooner and make it more rewarding.

Weight gain is not an inevitable aging process:
Weight gain is a result from moving less over the decades. As you get older, you lose muscle mass thereby decreasing your daily calorie burn. This can be avoided simply by putting in a little extra effort. You’re never too old to be in good shape!


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